Let's go through some important points when it comes the topics discussed in this section

Azure App Service

Virtual Machine Scale Sets

Azure Load Balancer

The Azure Load balancer is used to distribute incoming network traffic to a backend group of servers.

This service helps increase the availability of your entire application architecture

Here the Load Balancer would take the incoming requests from the users and direct the requests to virtual machines running in an Azure virtual network.

If you have a web application running on the backend virtual machines, the requests would be distributed across the virtual machines by the Azure Load Balancer.

Other tools to access Azure resources

You can use other tools to access and work with Azure resources

Azure Functions

Pricing plans available for Azure Functions

Consumption Plan Here you only pay for the time the code runs.

App Service Plan If you already have an App Service plan that runs a web application, you can reuse the same plan to run Azure Functions. This would save on cost if you already have an App Service Plan in place.

Premium Plan Here you get a number of pre-warmed instances that are always online and ready to run your functions. The plan also automatically adds more compute when required.

You can also invoke your functions via various triggers

Azure Logic Apps

This is a cloud service that helps you schedule, automate and orchestrate tasks , business processes and workflows.

How it works

Connectors for Azure Logic Apps

Azure Traffic Manager

The Azure Traffic Manager service is a DNS-based traffic load balancer that distributes traffic across services that are distributed across different Azure regions.

The Traffic Manager service is used to direct client requests to the most appropriate service endpoint that is based on a traffic-routing method and the health of the endpoints.

The different traffic routing methods available for the Azure Traffic Manager are

Below is an example of the Priority routing method that can be used with the Azure Traffic Manager service

Here we are assuming that a company has similar web applications , both are running using the Azure Web App service. One web application is running in the East US Region and the other is running in the West US Region.

1. Here we create a Traffic Manager profile and create two endpoints. Each endpoint points to each Azure Web app respectively. We assign a priority of 1 to the service endpoint attached to the Azure Web App running in the East US region and  a priority of 2 to the other service endpoint.

1. Here users would make requests to the Traffic Manager service.

2. The requests could be initially be directed to an Azure Web App located in the East US region , since there is a priority of 1 to the service endpoint attached to this endpoint.

3. Now let's say there is an issue with the web application running in the East US region, Azure Traffic Manager would then understand that there is an issue with the web application running in this region.

It would then start redirecting user requests to the second endpoint which has the Priority of 2.

Hence over here you are adding a higher availability to your architecture by ensuring that user requests are always adhered to by redirecting requests if the primary service fails for any reason.

If you use the Weighted Routing method , you can actually load balance requests across multiple service endpoints

Over here , users requests would be directed or load balanced across both web applications running in different regions.

In the Performance routing method as shown below, users will be directed based on the least latency of an endpoint.

And then we have the Geographic routing method wherein users would be directed to an endpoint based on their geographic location